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The Morning Cart!

Make morning activities for students easy with the MORNING CART How are mornings in your classroom? Do your morning activities and routines for students create a peaceful start to the day, or does it feel like unnecessary chaos? I want to share something that worked wonders in my own classroom that you may enjoy too! […]

How to set up hopes and dreams in the elementary classroom

Hopes and Dreams in the elementary classroom What are your hopes and dreams for the school year? Do you dream of your students being happy? Safe? Optimistic? I dream that my students will come every day to class ready to learn, and to create a warm and safe environment to learn in. Not only teachers […]

Classroom Reveal: 2016-2017 School Year!

My favorite part of every year are the first couple weeks of school. I LOVE meeting the news students, decorating my room, starting a fresh planbook, and taking in the dynamic and buzzing atmosphere around me.  My room this year is very similar to my room last year, just with a few minor tweaks. Read […]