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Okay, I am obsessed with this app called SeeSaw. It is a digital portfolio for your students that can be easily managed with an iPad, computer, or iPhone. My favorite part? NO WORK FROM THE TEACHER! Students can on their own go and grab an iPad, click on the SeeSaw app, take a picture of their work, and add it to their portfolio. Parents can instantly see their child’s work at home on their computer, iPad, iPhone, or Android! Even better? It’s free!

First, watch the video to see how easy it is! The video will immediately convert you.

The initial set up is easy. All you need to do is:

  1. Add each of your students to the app
  2. Send out a group email to parents with the link to your SeeSaw page
  3. Push “accept” when parents ask for approval for their child’s SeeSaw page
Here is a screencap below of what you see on the app. Obviously SeeSaw is not covered in little Glitter in Third buttons… I am covering up my name and students’ names for privacy reasons! Hopefully the little Glitter in Third buttons aren’t too obnoxious and it’s still easy to see what the app looks like!

Parents cannot see other students’ work, only the student that the teacher approves. So even though it is online, it is still private and confidential. 
My favorite part of the app so far? Group work! We do tons of collaboration and groupwork in my third-grade classroom, and there are always fights over who gets to take the poster/project home. No more tears! Parents and kids can see their work on their computer screen without being sad. Sounds like a win to me!
I have received incredible parent response in just a week. Parents have been emailing me to tell me how excited they are to see this from home. Although I already have a classroom Twitter, this is much more individualized for each student.

Here are some ideas with what to do with SeeSaw:

  • Artwork
  • Document writing
  • Group work
  • Math manipulative work
  • Posters 
  • Reader’s Theater
  • Science experiments
  • Science observations
  • Use at parent conferences
If you have an iPad in your classroom, or even an iPhone, I highly recommend this app. It is a powerful way to showcase student learning to parents and give them a glimpse into your classroom.

Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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